Who We Serve.

” The U.S. Latino Community is our primary focus. “

ALLP will serve the Latino Community by:

  • Advocating for the dynamic and complex Latino Community to ensure that our community receives the full benefits of all government programs and services.
  • Building strong alliances within the Latino business and non-profit sectors who share our mission and values.
  • Sponsoring research that demonstrates the enormous potential of the U.S. Latino Community and how to tap into that potential by removing funding, policy, and hiring barriers at the all levels.
  • Empowering Latino Policy Experts & Leaders with the knowledge, resources and tools they require to be effective advocates for our community.

We seek to work with those organizations involved in the Federal government’s annual distribution of the $3.2 trillion in social services to local communities, including education, health and economic development benefits.

” The U.S. Latino Community is our primary focus. “

Organizations Supportive of Our Mission & Values

ALLP will serve the Latino Community by:

  • National Latino organizations who already advocate for our Community.
  • Community-based organizations who are on the spear’s end of delivering services to our Community.
  • Major corporations who have fully adopted a commitment of giving back to underserved communities will be hearing a knock on their doors from ALLP in the near future.
  • Foundations and non-profits who have an interest in expanding opportunities in the U.S.’s fastest growing demographic will also hear that knock, if they haven’t already.